
This guide is based on the experiences of several families. Although every case is different, we hope it offers some direction to those under the stress of searching for a loved one.

Taking action

Every case is different so every search is different. The police and public don't know the missing person — the best judges of appropriate action will be those closest. You can't do everything, so just do the best you can with what you have.

Media and internet

Media attention is vital in spreading awareness for missing persons. With so many news stories to compete with, it is important that your story is communicated effectively. The internet is an extremely powerful tool, but it must be used with caution.

Police and law

Missing Persons is a grey area both for police and in law. Going missing is not a crime, and the Privacy Act is usually a major obstacle for families. It's wise to have an understanding of what can be expected of police as well as the laws that protect people who are missing.

Getting help

Searching is an overwhelming task, but people genuinely want to help and technology has revolutionised how they can. Police are not your only resource - people power is paramount and there are lots of ways to harness it.

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Printed: 22/10/2024
Url: https://www.missingpersonsguide.com/guide/
Content © 2013-2024 Missing Persons Advocacy Network