Keeping a record

You're busy, but it's important to get all of the information written down.

Get the details down

It’s worth your while to have details recorded while they’re fresh in your mind. Even information that doesn’t seem particularly relevant may prove useful (to you and/or police) later on. A completed form will help when reporting to police and appealing to the public.

Keep either a hard copy or soft copy of notes detailing facts, contacts etc. Digital records can help you to share the information efficiently, but you may want to use a notebook instead – do whatever is natural to you. Download, save and complete:  Missing Person Details Form

Also consider the following:

  • Create a timeline of events noting people involved, times – anything you can think of.
  • Check any accounts that you may share (or know the login details for) for clues.
  • Call their close friends and connections, write down anything relevant and ask them to call you back if they remember something important.
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Printed: 22/10/2024
Url: https://www.missingpersonsguide.com/recording/
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